klik la sini ye..^^

Isnin, 6 Jun 2011

newcomer here~~ ^^

dimulakan dgn Bismillahirrahmanirrahim~~..
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh kpd sume yg mmbace ye..hheehe =D

so0o,,nie la blog ye..emm,,x twu nk ckp ape n trase janggal lak ble nk menaip pnjang2 nie..
slalunye tlis karangan dlm kertas je..nie dlm monitor lak..cmnie la arus peredaran zaman kn.. =)
aku lak da smakin ditinggalkan zaman..org len sume da lme ade blog..siap da brpuluh malah beratus2 post n entry da diorang ade..
aku??..apeee pon xde..hahaha
xpe la..kite idop bkn ntuk ikot sume bnde yg org wat kn..our life,,our ways~~..thats the right way to survive.. ^^
**aduhh,,trpnjang lak kata2 pmbukaan..haha XD

well,,for my first post,,let me introduce myself dlu larh ye..pas nie bru ley mmbebel yg bukan2 lak..haha :D

biasanya klw org nk knal,msti tnye nama dulu kn,,so i'll start with my name first..
ok,nama sye Mohamad Sabri Bin Kamal..casually called as Abie n formerly known as Panda.. =)

second son of three siblings and the most irritating but matured one..chewahhh,,wakaka XD ..pdahal still childish lg..hehe ;p

stay at Muo (Muar,bndar pencen kata bapaku),Johor..tmpat xyah twu la ye..aku tau korang mmg xnk tau pon kn..haha

just finished my stdy in Matriculation Programme in KMJ or JMC or whatsoever..thats the place that hold so much memory of me and all my friends..place that tought me to always be strong n never give up in ur life even it is so0o0o hard.. =')
*eventhough result cm han***g.. T-T

emm,,nk cter ape lg ek..
haaa,,nk gtwu nie..for ur information i'm a total wierdo, annoying person, no feeling, chubby, suka brgurau kasar (mmg sjak azali..org muo mmg cmnie kot..haha), jiwang karat n so many more bad personalities..

BUTTT (tetapi ye..)!!..on the bright side,i'm a hapy-go-lucky person, easy-to-be-friend(friendly la sng citer..), easy going, and mcm2 lg la..& i dont choose my friends but i let them choose whether they want to be friends,or enemy to me..they decide it.. =)

fuh3..pnat mnaip n ntah pape la hsilnye..haha..ckup la nie sbgai prmulaan idop aku sbagai blogger ye..kpd korg2 yg da agak senior dlm sesi blog-mmblogging nie,,ajo2 la skit kt amatur nie ye..peace! ^-^ V

akhir kate,,
gendang gendut tali kecapi,,
tali dijumpai kat tepi perigi,,
saya budak baru disini,,
kalau salah jgn la maki.. :D
**bangang punye pantun..haha..xpe2..A Samad Said pon bkn lahir trus jdik hebat kn..
Even roses have thorns!
Its up to you to concentrate on the rose or the thorns.... ^^

Assalamualaikum wbt n Salam 1 Dunia~~~ =)
disudahi dgn Alhamdulillah~~.. =D


klik la Tukang Iklan.. :D